Let me introduce myself, Aileen Warbrook, yoga teacher, chef, artist, life and travel enthusiast. My first job was in travel, second in food and third time lucky, yoga teacher and retreat organiser.

Thatsyoga was born in 2006 and has evolved from one class a week to my facilitating a variety of classes of all levels each week and running Yoga Days Away and weekend and week-long retreats.

I am also passionate about cooking and sharing fresh, seasonal foods, Gluten free, vegetarian, low Gi and meat and veg all inspire me.

In each Thats Yoga blog I plan to share yoga insights, mindfulness, health tips, activities, funny stories, and separate recipes.

Yoga is changing all the time, new studies on health and fitness are being published and if we share what we are reading, working on and experiencing, we can bring a wealth of information to a Blog. Food ideas are also moving forward; recipes and ways to make food quickly and easily are needed. We all have recipes, tried and tested meals, snacks and treats and I would love to share these with you and likewise hear your favourite go-to meals and snacks.

Urban retreats here at the studio are about staying local, doing specific yoga for the seasons and eating reciprocal foods. We have two hours of yoga/meditation and then two hours of eating, food demos and information on what’s in the food groups used. We round it off with a guided Yoga Nidra relaxation, digesting everything. What a great way to spend 5 hours on a Saturday.

Something to try right now:

Mindfulness with the breath, take a few minutes to listen to the sound of your breathing.

In through the nose, hear the breath in your head, out through the nose or mount, hear the softer exhale. Get into the rhythm of the sound of breath in and breath out.

Close your eyes and just breathe, and listen. This is the very first step in Mindfullness with the breath and can be done on waking, on sleeping, or for a few quiet minutes during the day.

When you finish, before moving, observe how you feel.